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Industrial Relations in Europe Conference (IREC) 2023

IREC an der University Durham im September 2023

Anfang 18.09.2023
Ende 20.09.2023
Ort Durham

Auszug aus der Beschreibung des Veranstalters:

At the IREC 2023 we would like to discuss the consequences the current turning point in history has for industrial relations both as an academic field of study as well as for the economy and society in Europe (and beyond). We encourage critical and novel contributions which shed light on the wide research area and question that is expressed in the conference theme, i.e. on the role of industrial relations after turning points in history.

The idea of the IREC 2023 is also to continue important previous discussions on all industrial relations areas as well. Therefore, we also invite contributions focusing on all aspects and dimension industrial relations as well as on all related aspects of working life and employment. In the tradition of IREC and to be able to continue discussions from previous conferences, papers with a comparative/comparable or international dimension are especially welcomed.

Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie direkt auf der Seite der Durham University.


Durham University
Mill Hill Lane
DH1 3LB Durham


Nadja Dörflinger

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